Article I

CHAPTER 1                


CHAPTER 2                

The membership shall be open to men and women who are at least 18 years of age and in good moral character.

CHAPTER 3                

The purpose of this Association is to provide an opportunity for people of Irish origin, extraction or sentiment; their families and friends to meet in a spirit of comradeship with a common purpose; of promoting, cultivating and preserving interest in the ARTS, LITERATURE, HISTORY, CULTURE and FUTURE OF IRELAND; of uniting for the mutual benefit, advancement and association of this society and its friends, to promote and develop a spirit of cooperation among the various Irish Societies and among all citizens. This Association shall be non-political and non-sectarian but recognizes the historical and cultural significance of a United Ireland.

Article II

CHAPTER 1                

This Association shall be governed by the general membership and administered by the Executive Committee.

CHAPTER 2                

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the past president.

CHAPTER 3                

The officers of this Association shall be as follows:

President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms and Three (3) Trustees.

CHAPTER 4                  

All officers shall be elected at a meeting of the Association in the month of April of each year. Members shall be notified of the meeting not later than one week prior to the election. A candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; the candidates must be present at the meeting to accept the nomination. No member shall be elected to the office of President for more than two consecutive one year terms. Any member having been elected president previously may be elected to such office again five years after his/her most recent term has expired.

CHAPTER 5                

Any member seeking an elective office must be a member in good standing for one year prior to the election as well as being a member in good standing during that current year. No one shall be allowed to vote in the election of officers unless he/she was a member in good standing in the year prior to the election and a member in good standing in that current year. 

CHAPTER 6                

A quorum shall consist of five (5) officers.

Article III

Duties of Officers

CHAPTER 1                

President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and enforce the rules of the Association. He/she shall have the privilege to appoint any special committee to perform such work as may be necessary during his term of office, and shall be ex-officio over all committees, and shall have no right to vote except in case of a tie. He/She is authorized to sign checks. He/she shall have the power to limit discussion.

CHAPTER 2                

First Vice President: It shall be his/her duty to assist the president at all times and act in his/her place if the President is absent. He/She is authorized to sign checks.

CHAPTER 3                

Second Vice President: He/she shall assist the President at all times and act in the First Vice President’s place if he/she is absent. He/She is authorized to sign checks.

CHAPTER 4                

Recording Secretary: It shall be his/her duty to keep a correct record of the minutes of each meeting and fill out and execute all credentials and perform the duties required by the Association.

CHAPTER 5                

Correspondence Security: It shall be his/her duty to read all communications and bills. He/she shall write all communications and correspondence required by the Association.

CHAPTER 6                

Treasurer: It shall be his/her duty to hold all funds belonging to the Association and to deposit them in a reliable bank. He/she shall give a report of all receipts and disbursements at each regular meeting. He/she shall pay all bills upon affirmation with another Executive Committee member. He/she is authorized to sign checks. He/she shall be responsible for filing or arrange with the accountant to have filed, the tax returns. He/She will provide a full financial report to the Trustees for the purpose of a year-end audit.

CHAPTER 7                

Sergeant of Arms: He/She acts as doorkeeper, maintaining order at the direction of the President. He/she shall be responsible for all property of the association. He/she shall assist the President in keeping order.

CHAPTER 8                

Trustees: It shall be their duty to audit the books once a year, prior to the election of officers and report to the members their findings. The Board shall consist of three (3) Trustees. One Trustee shall be elected each year.

CHAPTER 9                

No member of the Executive Board shall sign checks payable to themselves or a family member.

Article IV

CHAPTER 1:                 

The annual dues are due in January of each year. To be considered a member in good standing all dues must be paid by June 30th of each year. New members signing up after June 30th will not be eligible to vote in the following year’s election of officers but may vote on all other matters brought on the floor. Dues structures and amounts will be established by an affirmative vote of the membership and may be changed from time to time based on the organization’s needs.

CHAPTER 2                

The regular meeting shall be held at the Irish American Association of Northwest Jersey building on Richard Mine Road in Rockaway Township on the Third (3rd) Thursday of each month.

CHAPTER 3                

Meetings will be opened by the Pledge of Allegiance.

CHAPTER 4                 Any member conducting him/herself in a manner detrimental to the harmony of the Association shall be reprimanded by the President and if he/she still persists in his/her bad conduct, shall be ejected by the sergeant of Arms from the meeting room.

Article V

CHAPTER 1                

Debate: If two or more members shall rise to speak at the same time, the chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor.

CHAPTER 2                

No member shall interrupt another speaker while they are speaking except to call a point of order. The Chair shall decide such point without debate.

CHAPTER 3                

If a member, while speaking, is called to order he/she shall take their seat until the point is decided. If the Chair decides that he/she are in order they may proceed.

CHAPTER 4                

No motion to adjourn will be accepted until all the business before the members is finished. Any member wishing to be heard must stand up and address the chair and then proceed.

CHAPTER 5               

Any amendments to the by-laws shall be made as follows: By presenting such amendments in writing to avoid any error, signed by five (5) members in good standing, and must be read at three (3) regular meetings before majority vote of all members present carries the motion.

CHAPTER 6                

These by-laws may be amended from time to time for the best interest of the Association.

CHAPTER 7                

Unless otherwise stated in the by-laws, Robert’s Rules of order shall govern.

Article VI

CHAPTER 1                 Order of Business

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll call of officers.

3. Reading of the minutes of previous meeting.

4. Initiation of new members.

5. Reading of communications and bills.

6. Financial report.

7. Committee reports.

8. Officers reports

9. Good and Welfare

10. Unfinished business.

11. New business.

12. Adjournment.

CHAPTER 2                

The Irish American Association of Northwest Jersey shall not be dissolved while there are seven members that dissent to dissolution.

Article VII

CHAPTER 1                 Initiation Pledge for new members:

President:         My friend(s), do you agree to enroll yourselves in this Association and to promote its principals and interests in every lawful way?

Candidate:        Yes

President:         Raise your right hand and repeat after me the following obligation:

“Before the members of this Association, I promise to obey its laws, promote its interests, further its principles, attend its meetings, take part in its deliberations, and discharge all duties imposed upon me by this Association.”

CHAPTER 2                

Installation Ceremonies:

Installing Officer:         Members, do you accept the offices to which you have elected?

Officers Elect:              We do.

Installing Officer:         Raise your right hands and repeat after me: “Upon my sacred word of honor, I do solemnly swear or promise; that I will faithfully perform all my duties of the office to which I have been elected, so far as I am able; that I will attend all meetings of this Association during my term of office when possible to do so; that I will endeavor to advance the interests of the Association and when my successor is elected and installed, I will turn over to him/her all books, papers funds or other property of the Association which I may have. I further promise that I will never defraud this Association out of anything whatever, or allow it to be defrauded, if within my power to prevent it.”